Thursday, 8 April 2010

Travellers Box Server

Daniel Shaw
Wellington, March 2010

My practice is heavily sample and software-based, and the internet is a primary source of material for my work.

I was interested in utilising the inherently mobile nature of the Travelling Box as a tactical position against current shifts toward a heavily regulated internet (in NZ specifically, Section 92a:, and ACTA:

My project for the Travellers Box invoked it as a mobile web server during the second week of March, 2010. This became a paranoia-tinged space for me to develop a project, titled dubdubdub, using illegally downloaded content as source material (a file-shared copy of Gus van Sant's 1998 Psycho re-make of Alfred Hitchcock's 1960 film of the same name). At the end of each development session the web-server was relocated to a safe zone within walking distance of my home.

Materials (in addition to the Travellers Box): Computer, wireless broadband, custom electronics, open-source software, rope, vinyl, fabric.